BeachTech fights against the red tide in Florida.
Due to changing environmental conditions in connection with the warm ocean currents around Florida for weeks, there have been increasingly high concentrations of red algae, which color the water red. The red algal bloom is a predominantly natural phenomenon. The seaweed toxin causes paralysis of the respiratory system in marine animals and thus widespread fish mortality: dead fish and other carcasses have been washing up on the beaches of the region for weeks. In addition to the uninviting sight of countless dead fish on the beach, the occasionally occurring algae-containing spray can also lead to severe mucous membrane irritation and allergic skin reactions in humans. A real natural disaster and a great challenge for the districts and communities. To clear the beaches of the remains, BeachTech beach cleaners are used: They remove the dead fish from the beach, which are flushed to the beaches during the "red tide" and help the contaminated beaches return to their normal state as quickly as possible.
Due to changing environmental conditions in connection with the warm ocean currents around Florida for weeks, there have been increasingly high concentrations of red algae, which color the water red. The red algal bloom is a predominantly natural phenomenon. The seaweed toxin causes paralysis of the respiratory system in marine animals and thus widespread fish mortality: dead fish and other carcasses have been washing up on the beaches of the region for weeks. In addition to the uninviting sight of countless dead fish on the beach, the occasionally occurring algae-containing spray can also lead to severe mucous membrane irritation and allergic skin reactions in humans. A real natural disaster and a great challenge for the districts and communities. To clear the beaches of the remains, BeachTech beach cleaners are used: They remove the dead fish from the beach, which are flushed to the beaches during the "red tide" and help the contaminated beaches return to their normal state as quickly as possible.