League Symposium
BeachTech recently demonstrated their self-propelled, CBC 3000—Power Screener at The League Symposium in Asheville, NC, an area well known for its first class equestrian facilities

This event brings together arena executives and fairground managers, as well as others involved in the horse and footing industry. The main focus of the event was caring for the special mixed soil floors of their arenas, commonly known as Footing, and is a perfect application for the self-propelled CBC 3000 Power Screener! Monster trucks, motocross and demolition derby’s are fun to watch, but they leave behind dangerous rocks and debris hidden under the dirt surface.
This harmful debris must be removed from the arena floor prior to any horse and/or livestock events, in order to prevent injury to the animals. The CBC 3000 Power Screener is right tool, at the right price, to ensure your arena is professionally maintained, groomed and safe for all your livestock events!