Roadshow in Malaysia
In February, BeachTech, UMW Equipment and BeachTech dealers in Malaysia jointly hosted a roadshow. The BeachTech beach cleaner was presented to customers at multiple stations here.

A special high point of the roadshow was the handover of the BeachTech 2000 to the customer, Majlis Bandaraya Kuala Terenggeanu (MBKT), at Batu Burok Beach in Kuala Terengganu. The federal state in the east of Malaysia is renowned for its extensive beaches with an overall coastline of more than 255 km. Primarily during the monsoon season, the flood waters keep washing plastic waste and driftwood onto the beloved Batu Burok Beach.
By purchasing the BeachTech 2000, the federal government would like to provide clean and safe beaches to both the locals and the guests. The use of the beach cleaner is viewed as a pilot project and is meant to be a model for further beach cleaning activities in the region.
The roadshow concluded with technical machine training for mechanics and operators.