The BeachTech 3000 towed sand cleaner preparing an area for sod production

Soil preparation for the production of sod

Use BeachTech for soil preparation in the production of sod. Before leveling and sowing, BeachTech mobile sifters remove all stones from the soil. Thanks to the various mesh sizes of the screening belts, BeachTech picks up small to medium-sized stones reliably. The sod thus becomes even smoother and can be lifted off without creating holes. At the same time, you prevent damage to your machines.

How BeachTech Mobile Sifters work


The height-adjustable pick-up blade picks up soil and stones from the top layer of soil.

BeachTech Siebmaschinen sieben Steine und Wurzlreste aus dem Boden. Die gelockerte Erde fällt auf den Boden zurück.


Soil and stones are transported onto a rotating or vibrating sieve. The stones are sieved out and transported into the collection container.

BeachTech Siebmaschinen entsteinen, lockern und glätten die Erde und bereiten den Boden somit optimal auf die kommende Aussaat vor.,


The sieved soil falls back onto the ground. The stoned and aerated soil enables optimum growth of the reseed.

BeachTech screening machines

BeachTech screening machines are connected to the tractor via a slip-on pump or PTO shaft. Our vehicles are available in various working widths from 1.20 m to 2.50 m, so that area outputs of up to 3 ha per hour can be realised.

 Working widthVolume of the collection containerRequirements for the tractor
BeachTech 10001.200 mm0,4 m³30 PS 
540 U/min
BeachTech 15001.600 mm1,5 m³65 PS 
540 U/min
BeachTech 20001.850 mm1,5 m³70 PS
540 U/min
BeachTech 25002.500 mm2,8 m³80 PS
540 U/min
BeachTech 30002.500 mm4,7 m³100 PS
1.000 U/min

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Patrick Maier