Alternative use
Turf is the alternative to the laborious sowing and watering of grass seed. Ready-to-use lawns in no time - that's the ticket! A familiar practice at the sports grounds of the bigger clubs, turf is becoming increasingly popular in private gardens too. Careful cultivation is critical for turf quality. Stefan Kirschke deploys a used BeachTech 3000 at his Bienenbüttel production site to ensure perfect ground preparation. The soil is first loosened and then usually prepared further. The very recent special addition to Stefan Kirschke's preparations: he refines the ground before planting using a BeachTech 3000. This also removes stones from the soil and makes the surface smoother - which ultimately leads to an extremely even, virtually stone-free block of turf. He then loosens the ground slightly, e.g. using a rotary harrow, before sowing the seeds and going over the soil with a light roller - to protect against the wind and hungry birds. This is his "special formula" - and it can be adapted flexibly to conditions. He wouldn't want to do without de-stoning by BeachTech any longer: "The first tries were really positive and successful. The machine has a great coverage - especially in dry conditions. Of course it is location-specific, but I knew that beforehand. Then there's the much lower wear on the blades of the harvesting machinery, because there are fewer stones, and we're harvesting at higher speeds. That saves money and is great for my nerves!" The final result will only be apparent at the harvest in spring. "I am certain that it will be good!" His BeachTech 3000 has found a third life with this special use: after 6 years on the beaches of The Hague and another 6 years cleaning the beach at Geltinger Bucht, here it's sure to prove what "durability from Kässbohrer" really means for a long time to come.
Turf is the alternative to the laborious sowing and watering of grass seed. Ready-to-use lawns in no time - that's the ticket! A familiar practice at the sports grounds of the bigger clubs, turf is becoming increasingly popular in private gardens too. Careful cultivation is critical for turf quality. Stefan Kirschke deploys a used BeachTech 3000 at his Bienenbüttel production site to ensure perfect ground preparation. The soil is first loosened and then usually prepared further. The very recent special addition to Stefan Kirschke's preparations: he refines the ground before planting using a BeachTech 3000. This also removes stones from the soil and makes the surface smoother - which ultimately leads to an extremely even, virtually stone-free block of turf. He then loosens the ground slightly, e.g. using a rotary harrow, before sowing the seeds and going over the soil with a light roller - to protect against the wind and hungry birds. This is his "special formula" - and it can be adapted flexibly to conditions. He wouldn't want to do without de-stoning by BeachTech any longer: "The first tries were really positive and successful. The machine has a great coverage - especially in dry conditions. Of course it is location-specific, but I knew that beforehand. Then there's the much lower wear on the blades of the harvesting machinery, because there are fewer stones, and we're harvesting at higher speeds. That saves money and is great for my nerves!" The final result will only be apparent at the harvest in spring. "I am certain that it will be good!" His BeachTech 3000 has found a third life with this special use: after 6 years on the beaches of The Hague and another 6 years cleaning the beach at Geltinger Bucht, here it's sure to prove what "durability from Kässbohrer" really means for a long time to come.